Network Security Consulting Services

The Challenges Organizations Face:

Ensuring that the network is available and functioning properly is one of the most critical aspects of Information Technology. Without the network, technology and business is crippled. Additionally, adversaries use (abuse) the network to move laterally to exploit systems and gain persistence within an organization or may attempt to disrupt the network all together.

Because of this it is critical for organizations to secure their networks against such attacks. Implementing strong segmentation, appropriate logging and equipment patching procedures combined with alerting and incident response is key.

In addition to appropriate security controls, effective network operations and monitoring is crucial to ensure availability of the network. Properly designed and monitored networks ensure uninterrupted communications, keeping business and technology operating and available 24/7.

The Solutions That We Provide:

Networking is critical to the operations of almost every technology that a business leverages for daily operations. We set out to provide expertise to organizations to ensure that their network operations and security programs are in-line with business requirements based on the following factors.

  • The size and complexity of the network.
  • The line(s) of business as it relates to the communications requirements of the industry.
  • The risk appetite of the business for the availability of communications paths.
  • The maturity level of the business and the technologies that rely on the network.
The Process That We Follow:

We already understand the need for efficient and secure communications to business. Building a clear understanding of the network is our first priority. Due to the varying designs and technologies available in the networking space, we start with gaining a holistic and technology agnostic understanding of communications paths and requirements. From there, we work backwards to understand the nuances of the technologies involved, redundancies in place and security checkpoint placement (or lack there of) including appropriate logging and alerting.

  • Gather general information about the business and its operational maturity.
  • Gain an understanding of the line of business and overall mission of the business.
  • Gather pertinent information regarding the current state of the security program.
  • Perform a deep dive into current network security technologies to identify gaps.
  • Work with network operations and security teams to validate gaps that have been identified.
  • Develop a comprehensive report outlining the gaps identified and the associated risks.
  • Work with Technology and Security leaders to prioritize findings and gaps.
  • Develop a ‘Cloud Security Program Framework’ for review, refinement, operationalization.

We understand that all organizations are different. Not all organizations will require a full analysis of operations, risks, tools or policies. We are flexible in our approach to securing your company’s network and tailor each engagement to meet the needs to the individual business.